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Monday, May 20, 2013

Teradata Locks


Locking in Teradata is automatic and cannot be turned off for normal tables. There are
four types of locks that are used and they are:

Types of Lock


EXCLUSIVE The resource is temporarily owned. Not available to users until the lock is released. This is normally obtained at the database or table level when the structure/definition is being modified.
WRITE A data block has been retrieved from disk with the intention of modifying one or more rows. The block  containing the modified data will be written back to disk.
 READ A data block has been retrieved from disk. No changes will be made to the data.
ACCESS Affectionately called a Dirty Read lock. Allows a SELECT to read data that is locked for WRITE. It is a very minimal form of locking.

This chart shows the automatic locking in Teradata respective to SQL commands:
Type of Lock  Caused by Locks Blocked for Other Users

The resource that is locked depends on the SQL command requested by the user.The lock may be set at the database, view, table, or row level.

This chart shows the impact of these levels of locking:

If Locked at          Resource(s) unavailable to other users
   DATABASE     All tables, views, macros and triggers owned by the database/user.
      VIEW     All tables referenced in the View.
     TABLE     All rows in the table.
      ROW     All rows with the same row hash.

All SQL commands automatically request a lock. The Teradata RDBMS attempts to lock
the resource at the lowest level possible. The lowest level is a row lock. However,
Teradata places more importance on performance than resource availability. This implies that the optimizer has the last say in the locking level that is used.

For instance, an UPDATE has the option of locking at the table or row level. The
optimizer knows that when an entire table is locked, all other users must wait to read
even a single row from the table. However, when only a row is WRITE locked, other
users still have access to the table, and only have to wait if they need to read the row
currently locked. Therefore, normally row level locks are preferable so that rows have a
maximum availability for users. This is especially important if another user is requesting
a UPI value not used in the UPDATE. This type of locking provides more opportunity
for concurrency of user requests and better overall performance.

However, the optimizer also knows when all rows in a table are going to be changed. It
could follow the row locking to allow as much access as possible. However, eventually
all rows are locked. Also, it knows that to lock a row and then read a row over and over
again takes longer than locking the table once, reading all rows as fast as possible, and
then releasing all locks at once. A full table scan needs all rows. Therefore, the normal
row level lock will be escalated to a table level lock for speed on a full table scan.
Additionally, by locking the table, it eliminates the potential for a deadlock between
multiple user requests.

Regardless of the approach to locking that the optimizer chooses, eventually all access to locked rows is denied for a period of time. The chart in Figure 16-2 indicates that a
WRITE lock blocks other WRITE locks requested by other users. Additionally all
READ lock requests are also blocked because the current data is being changed and
therefore, not available until it is finished. This is where the ACCESS lock can be useful.
It is also seen in Figure 16-2 that the WRITE lock does not block an ACCESS lock.
Therefore, a user can request an ACCESS lock for a SELECT instead of the default
READ lock. This does however mean that the data read may or may not be the latest
version. Hence, the nickname “Dirty Read.” This is commonly done in views.

 To request a locking change, the LOCKING FOR modifier can be used. It is written
ahead of the SQL statement to modify the way it executes.

These are the various syntax formats of the LOCKING Modifier:

LOCKING [<table-name>] FOR <desired-locking> [NOWAIT]
LOCKING ROW FOR <desired-locking>
LOCKING DATABASE <database-name> FOR <desired-locking>
LOCKING VIEW <view-name> FOR <desired-locking>
LOCKING TABLE <table-name> FOR <desired-locking>

The first syntax listed above defaults to a ROW level lock using the desired lock. So, the
first two LOCKING requests do the same thing. To make the command shorter, the
LOCKING can be abbreviated to LOCK.

The first syntax format also shows the NOWAIT option. It indicates that if a resource is
not available the statement should not wait. Instead, it will instantly ABORT. There is
another option called MODE that can be used. However, it does not do anything and is
there strictly for compatibility with DB/2 SQL. Lastly, also for compatibility, the FOR
can be changed to an IN. The NOWAIT is available for all locking requests.
The other specification in the above formats is used for specifying the database object to lock. In reality, multiple LOCKING modifiers might exist on a single SELECT. For
instance, in a join operation an ACCESS lock might be requested for one table and not
the other.

This chart shows which SQL commands can use the modifier:

Modifier SQL allowed with Modifier Level
WRITE SELECT Table, View or Row
 READ SELECT Table, View or Row
ACCESS SELECT Table, View or Row
The above chart shows that the SELECT is the only command that can use the
LOCKING FOR modifier for anything other than EXCLUSIVE. This is because most
locks cannot be downgraded to a lesser lock, without causing potential data integrity
issues. Since the SELECT is not changing data, it can be downgraded safely.
It is very common to use the ACCESS locking when creating a view. Since most views
only SELECT rows, a WRITE lock is not needed. Plus, if maintenance is being
performed on a table, selecting rows using a view with an ACCESS lock is not delayed
due to a WRITE lock. So, users are happy and don’t call to complain that the “system is

Another time to use the LOCKING modifier is for multi-step transactions. Consider this
situation: The first step is a SELECT and obtains a READ lock. This lock allows other
users to also SELECT from the table with a READ lock. Then, the next step of the
transaction is an UPDATE. It must now upgrade the READ lock to a WRITE lock.

This upgrade of the lock cannot occur while other users have a READ lock on the
resource. Therefore, the transaction must wait for the READ locks to disappear. This
might dramatically increase the time to complete the maintenance transaction. Therefore, by upgrading the initial default of a READ lock to a WRITE lock for the SELECT it eliminates the potential for a delay in the middle of the transaction.

The next SELECT uses the ACCESS lock, common in a View:

WHERE customer_name LIKE ‘Billy%’ ;

 1) First, we lock MIKEL.Customer_table for access.
 2) Next, we do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from MIKEL.Customer_table by
   way of an all-rows scan with a condition of (
   "MIKEL.Customer_table.Customer_name LIKE 'Billy%'") into Spool 1,
   which is built locally on the AMPs. The size of Spool 1 is
   estimated with no confidence to be 4 rows. The estimated time for
   this step is 0.15 seconds.
 3) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved
   in processing the request.
 -> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of
   statement 1. The total estimated time is 0.15 seconds.

Since the locking modifier can name the table, each table may use different locking when multiple tables are referenced in the same SQL statement. 

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